
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

PEZ Candy Rolls 2 LB Bag From BlackTie Box - Product Review

I love PEZ candies so when I saw these on Amazon I knew I had to have them!  

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Product Review:

I wasn’t quite sure how much two pounds would be.  When this package arrived the PEZ rolls were securely wrapped in a sealed plastic bag.  At first it seemed like I could take a PEZ bath with all these rolls, but when I laid them out, sorted them, and counted them I noticed I had quite a few less rolls than other customers had reported in their product reviews.

I received 92 PEZ rolls in my bag.  Each roll weighed 0.02 pounds, so my 2 pound bag was actually 1.86 pounds.  In my bag I had: 19 lemon, 11 orange, 12 raspberry, 24 strawberry, 7 grape, and 19 cherry.  I was mostly happy with the variety of flavors, but I wish there had been more grape, as that is my favorite flavor.

The PEZ candies were extremely fresh!  These candies were soft and easy to chew.  These PEZ candies tasted very delicious and flavorful!  Only a few rolls had broken pieces, but most were in good condition.

I was truly impressed with the quality and freshness of this product.  However, I was disappointed that my bag was missing PEZ rolls and didn’t actually weigh two pounds.  Besides the shortage this product was quite delicious and arrived on time.  I would recommend this product based on the freshness.  If you are a PEZ lover and okay with getting a bag that is around two pounds and you’re not concerned about it being exact, then this product is for you!

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Are you a PEZ fan?  What is your favorite PEZ flavor?  What was your favorite childhood candy?

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