
Friday, January 1, 2016

My New Year's Resolution Lists

Hi lovelies!  Hope your new year is starting off well.  I just finished writing my new year’s resolution list.  I am so excited to share with you my goals for 2016.

This year is going to be fabulous!  So fabulous I created two New Year’s Resolutions lists to help make this year – THE year!

There are so many goals I have this year on a personal and professional level.  Unfortunately, some of these goals weren’t met last year so they have been carried over to work on this year.  I’m trying to not look at them as a failure, but more as a second chance.  

This year’s personal goals focus mostly on fitness, health, organization, and spending more time with family and friends.  

This year’s blogging goals focus mostly on improving the quality and frequency of posts, updating the look, working with other bloggers, and more outreach with readers.

Here are my top 10 Personal New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Reconnect with friends, spend more time together, and build a stronger relationship with them
  2. Make sure girls (Dolce and Adrina) get daily play/exercise
  3. Workout at least 3x a week
  4. Drink at least 3 bottles of water each day
  5. Drink at least 1 less diet soda a day
  6. Increase protein intake
  7. Decrease Starbucks outings and fast food binges
  8. Sync FB calendar to not miss friends bdays
  9. Organize storage items
  10. Finally set up X Box One and gaming area

Here are my top 10 Blogging New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Take and post more pictures on Social Media
  2. Improve blog content and post frequency
  3. Test and post reviews of at least 3 products per week
  4. Connect with and increase readership numbers
  5. Host more giveaways
  6. Update the blog look
  7. Collaborate with other bloggers/Guest posts
  8. Post on additional blogging topics
  9. Attend a blogging convention
  10. Create email subscription

What do you think of my New Year’s Resolutions lists?  Do you make a New Year’s Resolutions list?  What goals are on your list this year?  How many things were you able to cross off your list last year?

1 comment:

  1. great post, new years are always a place to start new beginnings.
