
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year's Eve!

Happy New Year’s Eve lovelies!  

I am so ready to say goodbye to 2015 and hello to 2016!  2015 was rough for my family and me so I am really excited to see what 2016 will bring for us.  

How will you be spending tonight?  Out celebrating?  Staying home and watching the ball drop on TV?  Or will you be skipping all the partying and going to bed early?  

I love going out with friends and celebrating this fun holiday.  However, since I am still getting over that nasty pneumonia, I will be staying home tonight and watching the festivities on TV.   

If you do go out tonight, please be safe!  Drinking and driving is not sexy!  Don’t end the last night of the year doing something stupid that will result in spending the first day of the year in jail or worse.  

Have fun tonight lovelies, but if you do drink tonight, please take a taxi or uber.  A $20+ fare is beyond worth it to avoid problems with accidents and the law.

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