
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy To Say...

Hey lovelies!  So this month has been a very difficult month for my family and me.  This is quite sad, because October is one of my favorite months. 

First I was sick, then my mom had another surgery, then my step-grandfather was sick, then my grams had surgery.  So this month has basically just been a month of sickness and healing.  Since I am a certified caregiver I helped out with both surgery recoveries.  

After taking care of my mom here locally, I went up to The Dalles (3 hours away) to take care of my grandparents.  It was nice seeing them and being back “home” – I spent my sophomore/junior year of high school there and worked there during my last year of college.  So I have lots of love for this cute, small town.  However, I am happy to be back to my current home and sleep in my own bed.  Plus, I wasn’t able to take my girls with me, so I had to leave them with my mom.  She took great care of them, but I really missed them.  Dolce and I have never been apart more than one full day, so it was extremely hard to leave her.  Unlike Adrina, she didn’t know I would come back to her.  I know this is something she needs to learn, but it is difficult to put her through it.  As soon as I returned home she would not let me out of her sight.  Thankfully neither of my girls were upset that I had left and clung to me to make up for all the lost time.  

In addition, my family is finally doing much better.  My mom’s surgery was cancer related, but she is feeling better and is back to work now.  This was her 6th surgery!  Thankfully she is being a better patient now and actually listens to me.  Unlike my grams, who is a nurse, and I basically had to duct tape her to the chair for her to sit down and rest.  She had rotator cuff surgery, making her my 5th patient I’ve taken care of with this surgery.  My grams has always been one to not let a little pain keep her down, but this surgery is extremely painful and I think she was quite surprised to find that out.  I had a great time with my grams and I was happy to be able to help and take care of her.  My mom and grams took care of me when I was little and sick, so it’s nice to be able to pay back the favor and take care of them. 

I apologize and thank you all for your kind words and understanding.  I am ecstatic to be officially back and post on a more regular basis.  I will be teaming up with some more awesome bloggers for exciting, new giveaways.  Also, I will be working on some product reviews and introducing you to my favorite new items.

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