
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Dental Pain Sucks!

Hey lovelies!  Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!  Sorry I’ve been MIA for the last few days.  I chipped two of my front side teeth on stupid licorice!  Grrrrr Red Vines!  Lol.  Unfortunately, it caused more pain than I expected and had to have emergency dental work done.  

If you know me, you know that I have always been scared of dentists.  So I had to take Ativan to calm down and that plus the pain meds and numbing meds I basically slept for two days straight.   Then yesterday, I thought I was back to normal, went out running errands, and grabbed lunch at one of my fav spots, Chipotle.  Sadly I can only eat soft foods at this time, so had to have a boring quesadilla, not my normal crunchy fav item.  I got home, started eating it and fell asleep on the couch around noon.  I didn’t wake up until 1am!!  

Wow, my sleep schedule is all over the place.  Thankfully, I was able to go back to sleep in my bed and when I woke up this morning, I actually felt refreshed and fully awake.  Hopefully, today I will be able to totally stay awake and get back to a normal schedule.

Thank you everyone for your understanding and kind thoughts.  I have lots of posts on product reviews and giveaways and will have them up over this weekend.  

Also, this new dentist I saw was very kind, gentle, and understanding of my dental fears.  He and his staff made my experience comfortable and I will definitely be back for additional dental work.  I have future appointments already set and will be working on an office review.  So if you are in the Greater Salem/Portland area I might have a new dental office recommendation for you!  

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