
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Crystal Wash Review + Giveaway

***I received this product for free using  However, my review, opinions, and thoughts are my own.  I only recommend products that I trust, personally use, and believe will be good for my readers***

Be sure to check out their company webpage here:

Product Intro:

Everyone has to do laundry… and we want to make it both new and exciting. Crystal Wash is something that works and we can make doing laundry easier for you, better for the environment and at the same time save you money.

Product Details:

Crystal Wash is a proven technology that literately lasts for at least 1000 loads of laundry.  It uses the power of Bio Ceramics from the earth, which naturally clean your clothes as effectively as laundry detergent.  It is better for your skin and more gentle on your fabrics.  It is also better for the environment because it reduces contaminated waste water filtered back into the water supply, saves water by lowering required rinse cycles, and effectively reduces CO2 production by requiring less energy than a traditional detergent based wash.

The pH level of laundry water impacts the wash greatly. If the water is overly acidic or alkaline it can damage delicate clothes and fabrics, cause colors to fade and cause clothing to still seem dirty even after washing.  Most detergents on the market are a pH level of 6.5 – 9, but they use chemicals to achieve these levels.

The key to Crystal Wash is the Bio Ceramics:

Deep Cleaning: As Crystal Wash moves around in your laundry machine during a cycle, it changes the chemistry and raises the pH balance of the water. The higher Alkaline water created by Crystal Wash enables dirts and soils to be soaked free naturally.

Disinfecting: This process creates a natural Hydrogen Peroxide which disinfects your clothes…killing bacteria and odors.

These special Bio Ceramics were developed using various minerals with very effective antibacterial and anti-oxidant properties.

As the Bio Ceramics collect odors, dirt and waste from your laundry, you simply put them in the sun for an afternoon to recharge them. You only need to do this approximately every 30 days (or laundry loads). There is nothing else you need to do. Just a little sun and they will be just as effective as their first wash.... now that’s nature working with nature!

My Review:

This is seriously one of the coolest concepts and inventions!  So when I first heard about Crystal Wash I couldn't wait to try it!

Yes, I know it sounds crazy to be excited to do laundry, but as soon as these two Crystal laundry balls arrived I was thrilled to test them out.

In the box was a set of two Crystal Wash balls.  The Crystal Wash balls are light blue and are much larger than I had expected.  One Crystal ball does fit in your hand, but it is definitely a bit bigger than the size of a baseball or tennis ball.  The Crystal Wash balls feel like a soft, plastic like material.  

Inside each Crystal Wash ball is dozens of tiny micro-beads called Bio Ceramics.  If you shake the Crystal Wash ball it sounds like a maraca.  Although you can't see the Bio Ceramics while looking at the Crystal Wash balls, there are pictures above and on the company webpage.  The Bio Ceramics were developed using various minerals with very effective antibacterial and anti-oxidant properties.

I loved that this product wasn't at all complicated to use.  All you have to do is toss them in to the washer with your dirty clothes and the Crystal Wash balls goes to work.  It is nice not having to measure laundry detergent or worrying whether to add the soap before or after the clothes are in the wash.  As the Bio Ceramics collect odors, dirt and waste from your laundry, they need to be ‘recharged’ in order to make sure the pH levels of the laundry water continue to be raised.   It is also very easy to recharge the Crystal Wash balls.  You simply put them in the sun for an afternoon.  This can be done by putting them outside or by putting them in your window.  You only need to do this approximately every 30 days or 30 laundry loads.

I love that Crystal Wash is completely sensitive skin friendly.  I occasionally suffer from sensitive skin and there actually are laundry detergents that I've learned the hard way I was allergic to.  My current roommate has massive skin allergies.  She uses some very expensive laundry soap since she has to be careful what she uses.  She has also tried the Crystal Wash system and has had no outbreaks or sensitivities to the product.  She has also become a huge fan of Crystal Wash.

I really like that Crystal Wash is eco friendly, natural, and non-toxic.  I like know that I’m
I like that Crystal Wash does not fade colors as it is completely color safe.  I often buy expensive, designer clothes and it’s very important to me that my clothes not get ruined in the wash.  I like being able to trust Crystal Wash and not have to worry about color fading or color distress to my clothes.  In addition, Crystal Wash balls were developed to be gentle on all clothes including delicates and intimates.

One of the features of Crystal Wash is that there are no perfumes or overbearing scents – it’s 100% fresh.  This is quite a change for me as I am so used to my clothes smelling like laundry soap.  At first, it seemed strange that were was no lingering scent on my clothes, but after a few washes I am still trying to get used to it.  Therefore, I have recently decided that I would prefer my clothes to have a light scent.  So I have been adding a very small amount of fabric softer into the washer for a light and pleasant scent.

Another incredible feature of Crystal Wash is all the money you can save while using this product.  Crystal Wash lasts for up to 1000 loads!  It is estimated that people spend about $300 per 1000 loads and Crystal offers the same amount of loads for only $50.  Therefore, that is a $250 savings!

I absolutely love the Crystal Wash system and will continue to use this product.  I would definitely recommend this product to everyone!  There are so many benefits to using Crystal Wash and it will help make doing laundry easier and more efficient.  

Be sure to place your order on their webpage here:

Enter below for your chance to win a set of Crystal Wash balls!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using  Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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