
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics Review

***I received this product for free using  However, my review, opinions, and thoughts are my own.  I only recommend products that I trust, personally use, and believe will be good for my readers***


Be sure to check out their Amazon page here:

Product Intro:

We have a revolutionary new formula called PRO-Dental!

I'm sure you are familiar with probiotics for your digestive tract, but did you know that many of the oral health issues we suffer from (cavities, gum disease, bad breath and even ear, nose, throat and sinus infections) are because the probiotics in our oral cavities have been depleted (due to stress, antibiotics or even modern diet).

This formula has BLIS K12 and BLIS M18 - two groundbreaking oral probiotic strains that will help repopulate your oral cavities and put your oral health back on tract. Read more about it on the sheet provided - you will be amazed!

Product Details:

REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR DENTAL CHECK-UPS. The probiotic S. salivarius M18 produces an enzyme that helps dissolve and loosen the formation of plaque and bio-film that eventually leads to cavities, staining, tooth sensitivities and unhealthy gums. Studies show that a special 2% of the population rarely experience plaque or tooth decay (that leads to the domino effect of dental problems) with the only differentiating factor being that they have sufficient S. salivarius M18 colonies.

TARGET BAD BREATH AT ITS SOURCE. Did you know that when you use mouthwash to prevent bad breath, you kill both the good and bad bacteria? And, did you know that it is up to the good bacteria to keep the bad breath causing bacteria in check? In fact, S. salivarius is often found in healthy mouths yet is deficient in halitosis sufferers. This means that the best long-term solution to eradicating bad breath is to repopulate your oral cavities with the good guys found in PRO-Dental.

REPOPULATE YOUR ORAL MICROBIOME. You might be familiar with your gut microbiome, but did you know that different probiotic strains populate your oral cavities? Your mouth is your first line of defense and the entry point for most infections. When your balance of healthy oral microflora is compromised by diet, disease, stress or antibiotics, you can quickly develop oral health and immune related problems. With PRO-Dental, you can finally keep this often forgotten microbiome in optimal shape!

ALLEVIATE ORAL HEALTH ISSUES. PRO-Dental is uniquely formulated with the most effective and clinically proven oral probiotic strains (including S. salivarius K12 & M18, L. reuteri and L. paracasei) to repopulate your oral cavity, helping to break-up plaque and malodor causing bacteria, reduce oral health challenges such as cavities, teeth-staining, tongue-coating, unhealthy gums, sensitive teeth, tonsil stones, canker sores and protect against allergies, ear, nose, throat and sinus infections.

GUARD AGAINST EAR, NOSE, THROAT & SINUS INFECTIONS. Upper respiratory and ear infections are caused by a buildup of bad bacteria that travels throughout your oral cavities. When your oral microbiome is populated with strong probiotic colonies, you are equipped with natural defenses against these nasty invaders. In fact, one clinical study shows that children treated with S. salivarius K12 have a 90% reduction in sore throats (including bacterial and viral) and a 40% reduction in ear infections!

My Review:

I struggle with many dental issues so I was so ecstatic to be asked to try this product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics.  The way your teeth look can be a personal reflection on yourself. If your teeth are yellow, chipped, crooked, or even missing can be correlated with how well you take care of yourself and your personal hygiene.  Your teeth are one of the first things people see.  Every time you talk, smile, yawn, etc. your teeth are exposed.  Everyone notices each other’s teeth.  So it’s important to take good care of your teeth whether you do so for vanity reasons or health reasons. Unfortunately, brushing and flossing aren’t the only measures that need to be taken to ensure your teeth stay healthy.  Taking PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics can significantly help with oral and dental health.

This product came in a small white and green bottle.  The tablets are tiny, measuring less than half an inch.  The tablets are white and covered with little brown and gray specks/dots.  I absolutely loved that these tablets are chewable!  The tablets weren't at all hard so it was easy to chew and they quickly dissolved.  The tablets come in a natural mint flavor.  I could definitely taste the mint, but I also thought they tasted somewhat chalky.  It wasn't a horrible taste, just wasn't as minty flavored as I had hoped.

As directed I started taking one tablet once a day for maintenance. The recommended dosage for daily maintenance is 1-2 tablets a day. The dosage for intense repair is to take 2-3 tablets once or twice per day.  It is strongly recommended to take this product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics, after brushing and/or using mouthwash.  So as instructed every morning I brushed my teeth, flossed, rinsed with then Act, and then chewed one PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics tablet. The reason behind why it is so important to not take PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics before using mouthwash is because mouthwash kills the good and bad bacteria.  It is up to the good bacteria to keep the bad breath causing bacteria in check.  Therefore, to experience the full benefits of this product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics it is best to follow the directions by taking the tablet after using mouthwash.

This product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics, was super easy to use. Also, since the product came in a small bottle, it was very convenient to transport.

I love the assortment of benefits that this product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics has.  PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics addresses and helps reduce tooth decay, staining, gum disease, bad breath, tonsil stones, and canker sores.

I really liked that this product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics, is 100% vegetarian, lactose free, and sugar free.

PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics is uniquely formulated with the most effective and clinically proven oral probiotic strains to repopulate your oral cavity, helping to break-up plaque and malodor causing bacteria, reduce oral health challenges such as cavities, teeth-staining, tongue-coating, gingivitis, tonsil stones, canker sores, and protect against ear, nose, and throat infections.

I love that this product is about preventative care not just treatment after the fact.  It’s important to prevent these dental diseases from even happening.  Most people don’t think about getting sick before they actually get sick.  Upper respiratory and ear infections are caused by a buildup of bad bacteria that travels throughout your oral cavities.

For two weeks I took this product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics every morning.  Right away, I noticed I had fresh breath longer.  After a few days I noticed that a canker sore I had got about a week before starting PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics was finally hurting less and actually started to disappear. However, it was after the two week mark that I noticed a real difference.  My teeth felt stronger and healthier.  My gums were less red and swollen.  My gums tend to occasionally bleed when I’m brushing.  After using this product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics for two weeks I have noticed less sensitivity and less bleeding.

With it being winter I tend to often get sinus infections and nasal congestion.  I usually get about 2 or 3 colds every winter season. I am always trying to take preventative care measures by loading up on vitamins, liquids, and staying dry and warm.  I would love to have something to take to help me reduce or eliminate getting sick. Thankfully there is PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics that can help with this problem.  Your mouth is your first line of defense and the entry point for most infections. When your balance of healthy oral microflora is compromised by diet, disease, stress or antibiotics, you can quickly develop oral health and immune related problems. With PRO-Dental, you can finally keep this often forgotten microbiome in optimal shape!

I honestly believe that this product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics worked and has improved my oral health.  I am very pleased with this product, PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics, and I will continue to use this product incorporating it into my daily routine.  I would absolutely recommend PRO-Dental by Hyperbiotics to everyone as it has several oral health and dental benefits, freshens your breath, and is easy to use as it a chewable tablet.

Be sure to place your order on their Amazon page here:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using  Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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