
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas everyone!  I just wanted to take a minute and wish you all a wonderful holiday!  I hope you are all enjoying a fabulous day with your family, friends, and loved ones.  May this holiday season sparkle and shine for you. May all your wishes and dreams come true and may you feel this happiness all year round.

It was another successful Christmas for the Swanson girls.  I just got home from spending the day with my mom.  It was so nice just getting to hangout, catch up, and go out to a nice dinner. Then we went home, watched a movie and pigged out on our Christmas stocking candy.  It was definitely another fantastic Christmas with my mom that wasn't at all stressful or exhausting.  I love that my mom and I can just have a chill relaxing holiday and not have to be overwhelmed with a big dinner since it's just the two of us down here.

Since my extended family is all over the map and we all lead such busy lives we actually celebrate Christmas together in January.  It tends to workout perfect since the crazy holiday traffic has calmed down by then and everyone is able to get actually get a day off.  This year we are having a "White Elephant" Party.  More details to come next month.    

Okay I just wanted you all to know I was thinking of you.  I truly appreciate your support and am happy to have you in my life. 

Best wishes to you and your family during this holiday season.

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