
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

StyleWriter 4 Review

As a writer and blogger I spend a substantial amount of time writing and since I post that content on the internet it is out there for everyone to see.  It's very important to me that my writing be accurately written and that the stories I write flow and make sense.  It would be extremely embarrassing and unprofessional to have spelling and grammar errors in my posts; which is why I use StyleWriter 4 to help me make sure my articles are precise and proper.  Not only does StyleWriter 4 spell check my work it also helps me become a better writer.

Be sure to check out their website here:

Having proficient writing skills is very important in today's society.  Whether you are a student, business professional, job applicant, blogger, or professional writer, StyleWriter 4 can help you achieve superior writing skills.

StyleWriter 4 is an intuitive PC-based copy-editing software that can show you how to cut, change, and redraft your writing into the style of top writers and journalists.

Spelling errors are one of the top reasons employers automatically reject applications. You could have outstanding recommendations, perfect job history, but if you can't manage to spell correctly on one of the most important documents that you will ever write that company will not be impressed or see you as a serious applicant.  Don't allow your resume to be tossed out for such a simple fix that StyleWriter 4 can help you correct.

I used StyleWriter 4 daily for a whole month to write blog articles, update my resume, record minutes, and write reports and newsletters.  I was truly impressed with StyleWriter 4.  I have noticed a significant improvement in my writing skills.  I have also become more aware of my sentence structure and writing style.

I loved StyleWriter 4's Statistical Summary feature as it identifies, measures, and rates your article by average sentence, passive index, style index, blog index, reading grade, jargon, glue, and pep.

StyleWriter 4 allows for you to identify the target audience you're writing for such as, Public, In-house, and Specialist.

StyleWriter 4 also allows for you to choose and customize the type of article you are writing.  For instance, you can pick: General writing, academic paper, advertisement, instructions, legal document, letter, minutes, newsletter, report, resume, speech, website, and many other options.

StyleWriter 4 highlights and color codes certain words in your article, then identifies them and recommends changes to improve your sentences and ultimately your writing skills.

I would definitely recommend this product, StyleWriter 4, to everyone as writing is a fundamental skill to have and would benefit people in more ways than they are probably aware of.

Be sure to place your order here:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using  Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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