
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Moon Life by Marlene Fabian Stiles and Hank Fabian - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host sibling authors Marlene Fabian Stiles and Hank Fabian and their new book, “Moon Life,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on their Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Marlene and Hank and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Moon Life

by Marlene Fabian Stiles


Hank Fabian


GENRE:  Science Fiction



It is the year 2051 and the International Space Institute has just sent two rival astrobiologists to search for extraterrestrial life on Europa, the mysterious ice moon of Jupiter. What they encounter could not only revolutionize science, it might make one of them the most famous person on Earth. Or does the Universe have other plans?



Sure enough, Bikman returned alone the next day and held out an empty bilum.

Gnesh sounded exasperated. “We can’t give him any more. What are we going to eat?” Spreading his empty hands Charlie said, “I have nothing more to give you.”

Bikman’s eyebrows shot up.

“You ‘no sabe,’ right?” Charlie leafed through his dictionary. “Someday I’ll have to teach you some English.”

“Or you’ll learn Tok Pisin,” Gnesh teased.

“Nogat…nogat… mo. Nogat mo,” Charlie read aloud. When Bikman stared down at his empty sack, Charlie relented and took a small headlamp out of his pocket. “Here, for you.”

“I hope you have another one,” Gnesh muttered as Charlie showed the chief how the headlamp worked.

Bikman smiled and held out his hand again. “Givim one thousand dollah.”

The astrobiologists looked at each other. “He knows some English,” Gnesh said. Charlie turned back to the chief. “Why one thousand dollars?”

Bikman grinned. “Baim president.”

Charlie’s jaw dropped. “You want to buy our president?”

Gnesh rolled his laughter into a hoarse cough. “He’s not kidding, Charlie. I read about a tribe that tried to buy Lyndon Johnson back in the 1960s.”

Charlie was curious. “Why baim president?”

“President bringum kago. Kago gutpela.”

Charlie phrased his response carefully. “No thousand dollars. Now baim president one hundred thousand dollars.”



How We Roll

Some of the most successful writing partners--Rogers and Hammerstein, Gilbert and Sullivan--did not like each other. Fortunately siblings Hank and Marlene do, and share common interests in enjoying nature, discussing philosophy and reading about scientific research. However, Hank lives in California and Marlene in Colorado, so it was challenging to figure out a way to make our writing partnership work. Phone calls and emails were the obvious solution as we tried to follow the guidelines set out in Blake Snyder’s “Save the Cat” and Christopher Vogler’s “The Writer’s Journey.” At the same time we tried to keep our outline loose enough to allow for tangents as the characters came to life and took us in new and unexpected directions. Hank had been a drummer in his high school band and is particularly astute at listening to the cadence and rhythm of language so Marlene often read chapters aloud as we polished them. We relied on emailing chapters back and forth as we edited . . . and edited . . . and edited.

Gradually “Moon Life” evolved with suggestions from our Beta readers, but hiring professional editors was the best money we ever spent. We are particularly indebted to Christopher Bernard of “Editcetera” who worked with us for several years and who introduced us to Sci Fi writer and editor John McGoran, author of the “Spliced” Trilogy.

Moon Life” is an open-ended novel that we hope to follow up with a sequel. We are mulling over ideas for a race back to Europa and hope to generate continuing interest in the “Moon Life” saga.



The family that writes together stays together, so siblings Marlene Fabian Stiles and Hank Fabian co-authored a science fiction adventure that explores Jupiter’s moon Europa as two rival astrobiologists race to be the first to find extraterrestrial life. This discovery should ensure the winner fame and fortune, but the Universe has other plans.

Hank is the guy walking around with a long lens camera and binoculars, a tourist of the world fascinated by every creature that moves and every plant that grows. He teaches biology and helped devise a college genetics program. As a scientist he likes to work with facts, so there's a possibility that the creatures he’s created actually exist!

Marlene is the president of a nonprofit, The I Will Projects, dedicated to advancing educational venues that include a middle school aquaponics program in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club which received a NASA grant. She writes in multiple genres and also has published “Elderchild,” an Alzheimer’s narrative written in the first person. She shares Hank’s love of the natural world and is dazzled by the interconnectivity of all living things.



Goodreads Author Page – Marlene Fabian Stiles:

Goodreads Author Page – Hank Fabian:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page – Hank Fabian:



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Amazon CA Kindle eBook:

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Amazon CA Audiobook:

Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook:

Barnes and Noble Paperback:

Barnes and Noble Audiobook:

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Kobo US Audiobook:

Kobo CA eBook:

Kobo CA Audiobook:



Marlene and Hank will be awarding a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.

Monday, February 27, 2023

My Magical Gnome Story Book by Monika Anna Blichar - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Monika Anna Blichar and her new book, “My Magical Gnome Story Book,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Monika and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

My Magical Gnome Story Book

by Monika Anna Blichar


GENRE:   Children's Fiction



Magic is everywhere. You just have to believe.

Follow Edy on his magical adventures into the human world while he tries to save the last Golden Believer left on earth. A magical adventure for young and old alike!



Long, long ago; long before the days when dragons and unicorns roamed the earth, there lived magical creatures whose home was well hidden for centuries. No one knew about these magical beings because they were so small and so very good at hiding all traces of their existence from all other creatures on Earth. For many centuries, these magical creatures, called Gnomes, were able to live in secrecy and in harmony in the Gnome Capital. The Gnome Capital of the world is known today as Wrocław, Poland. It is a remarkable place where gnomes and humans co-exist and where magic has been brewing for thousands of years. Most people don’t know, but Wrocław is the Gnome Capital of the world as it holds some of the most magical powers within the city and its people. Look it up for yourself on your computer-you’ll find out it is very true and that there are gnomes hidden all over the city! Up until the mid 1990’s, the gnomes were able to live undetected, until one day, a special chosen human saw a gnome in the Rynek, the town square of Wrocław. According to what the locals say, Lucyna saw a gnome run across the cobblestone near the entrance to the north west corner of the Flower Market. She was shopping for some sunflowers and suddenly saw a tiny gnome run across the way where today you can find a dessert shop. She couldn’t believe her eyes but for some reason, she knew she had to follow him. She dropped her flowers and ran after the little creature.



This book, "My Magical Gnome Story Book," is a sweet, fun, amusing children’s read filled with exciting, magical adventures, important life lessons, and beautifully crafted illustrations.

This book follows a Gnome, Edy, from the Magical World, the Golden Kingdom, who is sent by the Queen MAB to the Human World to help save both worlds from the Evil Wizard, Endiku.

This book also follows Monika, an artist, and granddaughter of Lucyna, a longtime secret friend of Edy.  While Monika believes in magic, she doesn’t know of Edy and her grandmother’s special relationship.  Edy is sent to team up with the last Golden Believer, Monika, and set out on a mission to stop the Evil Wizard from taking over both worlds.

While I really enjoyed the concept of this exciting, magical story, I think this book fell a bit short covering all its worldbuilding and storytelling bases.  For example, I felt this book jumped around quite a bit, especially with the timeline, which made for some confusing moments.  One minute it’s about Lucyna hiding her sketches from a young Monika, and the next page jumps into thousands of years ago, about the Fairy Queen and the Magical World, then Edy tracks down Monika and she’s an adult now, quickly followed by the story of two twin boys from the Magical World.  There isn’t much of a smooth, timely transition as the story bounces back and forth across the timeline and across the two worlds.  In addition, I felt some of the worldbuilding had gaps which didn’t fully line up with the story.  For example, it mentions that Monika is the very last Golden Believer left on Earth, someone that continues to believe in magic, well wouldn’t her grandmother, Lucyna, also be considered a Golden Believer since she was friends with Edy and knew about the entire Magical World and believed in the magic?  Wouldn’t David also be a Golden Believer since he also knew of the Magical World, was prepared and knew to expect Monika and Edy to help them save both worlds, and of course, he also believed in the magic.  So, since Lucyna and David were both still alive and living in the Human World and believed in the magic, that would mean that Monika wasn’t the only one, right?  Furthermore, with the dire consequences of both worlds ending in misery, why would the Queen MAB only send one Gnome to save the worlds, especially if the goal was to inspire more people to believe, therefore allowing both worlds to prosper.  Thirdly, I was a bit confused about the characters and their names.  For example, who is Rob?  He is only mentioned once in the epilogue as someone Monika shares her dream with and then a Robert is mentioned once at the very end saying he is someone who is special and believes.  Perhaps Monika’s husband?  Friend?  Also, I really think a simple line explaining that Babcia means Grandmother in Polish would strongly add to this story, especially when the average child (or even adult) doesn’t know that term or even how to pronounce it.  While I guessed that is probably referred to a Grandma nickname, I had to use Google to confirm it.  Lastly, there are some story lines that start out, but quickly drop off with no further explanation or follow up.  For example, the story line about Monika’s mother, who is referred to as Dorota and as Princess Dorota.  It is mentioned that Lucyna’s only daughter moved away to another country and when Edy first tracks down Monika he sees a photo at her art studio of a woman he doesn’t seem to know, but assumes it’s Monika’s mom.  Later in the story she is only mentioned one more time as being Princess Dorota, that she is no longer part of the Human World anymore, but that she had left special things for Monika.  There is no further explanation as why she would be a Princess or if she was part of the Magical World now or had passed on.  However, if she was part of the Magical World, wouldn’t Edy have known who she was being their Princess and all?  I really did enjoy the concept of the story, especially the magic, the inspiration, the creativity, the positive hope for the next generation, etc.  However, these holes in the worldbuilding and story telling keep the reader for staying swept up in a fun, exciting, magical adventure.  I believe the author could easily fix many of these pointed out issues, which would truly benefit the believability of this story.

I really appreciated the author’s message of stretching the importance of believing in magic and a world full of possibility, abundance, and wonder.  Furthermore, the significance of inspiration, imagination, and creativity, and how dark and dreary our lives (and world) would be without these influences.

This book is full of bright, colorful illustrations mixed in with real photographs that are both sure to be enjoyed by young readers.  Although, I personally enjoyed the illustrations more than the actual photos, as they felt more fitting and in line with the story.

This book is a bit on the longer side for a quick children’s bedtime story at 51 eBook pages, especially with the small type font size.  This book is comprised of ten chapters, plus a prologue and an epilogue which spans across 31 reading text pages.

This book is appropriately “G” rated as there is no swearing, no gory violence, no adult situations, and no sexual content.

This book is currently not part of a book series and therefore can be read as a standalone book.

All in all, I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it!!  I think all young readers and their families will like this book too!!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading - you won't be disappointed!!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations**

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Monika Blichar is a Polish-Canadian artist, entrepreneur and the owner of Monika’s Art Boutique, Art World Expo and Painting Dreams International Art Tours. Monika has been teaching art and languages since 2006 and has a B.A. in English and French with a B.C. College of Teachers accreditation from the University of Victoria, in British Columbia, Canada. Monika is committed to sharing her passion for art with others via projects, community events and artist retreats in Canada and Europe. She paints, designs fashion, has illustrated and written several books, and is host of The Art World Podcast. Monika has also built a team of teachers and facilitators who teach her curriculum, practices and methods to hundreds of students each month in Canada and abroad. In her free time, Monika enjoys traveling, gardening, learning and caring for animals including her dogs, cat, and chickens.











Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:



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Amazon US Hardcover:

Amazon CA Paperback:

Amazon CA Hardcover:

Barnes and Noble Paperback:

Barnes and Noble Hardcover:



Monika will be awarding a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Family Gatherings at Promise Lodge by Charlotte Hubbard - Book Tour - Book Blast - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Charlotte Hubbard will be awarding a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

In the year since he lost his wife in a tragic accident, Lester Lehman has found healing and purpose—helping construct Dale Kraybill’s new bulk store, enjoying the Kuhn sisters’ hearty meals, and settling in a tiny, built-for-one lakeside house. Falling in love again is surely not on Lester’s mind. Yet despite his firm “no,” two available ladies have set their kapps on the handsome widower—in a boisterous rivalry that weaves mayhem among Gloria’s wedding festivities.

A welcome escape comes from a fresh-faced newcomer. Marlene Fisher disarms Lester with her witty quips on his romantic predicament, while her sparkling eyes inspire surprising thoughts of a shared future. But the heartbreak that brought Marlene to Promise Lodge runs deep, and the pretty maidel believes she’s not meant to marry. In a season of vows to love and honor, scripture holds the key to building their happiness together: love is kind, and above all patient.


Fully awake now, Lester swung his feet to the dock. When he could get a word in edgewise, he needed to deflate Agnes’s high-flying hopes in a hurry, because in her vivid imagination, she was already standing before the bishop with him, repeating her wedding vows. As he opened his mouth to speak, however, another urgent female voice hailed him.

“Lester! Lester Lehman, it’s me—your Elverta! I read about Gloria’s wedding in the paper, so it seemed like the perfect reason to come and see you!”

Lester moaned. His sense of freedom, peace, and unencumbered living had just hit another serious snag.

As the national newspaper for Plain communities, the Budget was a wonderful way to keep track of far-flung friends and kin, but he suddenly wished that Gloria—and Rosetta Wickey, their community’s original scribe—hadn’t been quite so descriptive in detailing the Lehman family’s relocation. The tiny town of Promise, Missouri was out in the middle of nowhere, yet Agnes and Elverta had apparently followed every line of the newspaper’s weekly reports right to his doorstep.

As Elverta Horst, dressed in deep green, strode toward his dock, her tall, skinny, ramrod-straight body reminded Lester of a string bean. He knew better than to express that opinion, of course, because the woman he’d broken up with to begin courting his Delores had never been known for her sense of humor.

“Wh-who’s this?” Agnes asked him under her breath.

Never one to beat around the bush, Elverta stopped a few yards from the dock. She glanced at Lester before focusing on the flustered woman beside him. “And who might you be?” she demanded with a raised eyebrow.

Lester answered as indirectly as possible, because he knew these women would soon find out every little thing about one another. “Elverta, this is Delores’s best friend, Agnes Plank. She lives down the road from our former home in Sugarcreek,” he explained hastily. “And Agnes, this is Elverta Horst—”

“And I was engaged to Lester before he took up with Delores,” Elverta put in purposefully. “First loves are often the strongest, ain’t so? The flame may flicker through the years, but it never really goes out.”

In 1983, Charlotte Hubbard sold her first story to True Story. She wrote around 70 of those confession stories, and she’s sold more than 50 books to traditional or online publishers. A longtime resident of Missouri, she’s currently writing Amish romances set in imaginary Missouri towns for Kensington. She now lives in Omaha, NE with her husband and their Border collie, Vera.




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Narrated by: Susan Boyce

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**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Slaves of an Alien Game Book Series by Nina Schluntz - Book Tour - Book Trailers - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Nina Schluntz and her new book series, “Slaves of an Alien Game,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Nina and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Slaves of an Alien Game Series

Books 1 – 3

by Nina Schluntz


GENRE:   Science Fiction Romance



Game Wardens rule most of the galaxy by a fierce empire built on enslavement and brokered deals. The only means to earn one’s freedom is by playing in the Alien Games. Two slaves go in the arena, the survivor, if there is one, is given their freedom and crowned a king, earning them a small country to rule and slaves of their own.

To make the battle more fun for spectators, genetically enhanced monsters, sahalias, are given to the combatants, but they must found in a scavenger hunt. Five orbs, each hatching into a lizard that will bond with their keeper, are hidden on a random planet. If the competitor finds all five, they have a great imbalance of power over the other, who will have none. The sahalias are created with one purpose, to battle to the death and destroy the other competitor.



Caden works at an all night diner in a small town near the interstate. When a man comes in late at night, asking for access to the roof, Caden knows the man is a bit off. But his ruffian nature and a small bribe makes Caden decide to let him go up.

“It’s a scavenger hunt,” the man says. Caden thinks he’s being helpful when he finds the item, a black orb, but when he touches it, he unknowingly becomes a competitor in an intergalactic competition that ends in a battle to the death. Manipulated and lied to, drugged by the alien Incubus, Raghib, whom he is now allied with, he must train his lizard battle creatures to fight for him on an unknown planet with rules he barely understands.

He has little chance to survive and although he wants to trust, Raghib, who will earn his freedom if Caden wins the battle, he worries he is simply being used. A bit of truth is revealed when one of the Game Wardens takes a liking to Caden, but his alien species is known to eat humans, so Caden isn’t sure if the desire is that of hunger or true romance.

Either way, Caden is nothing but a slave to their alien games.





Caden is free. He won his battle and got what he wanted. Sent back to Earth with his won kingdom given to the slave, Raghib. However, life on Earth, back at the diner isn’t the same after living on an alien planet. He still suffers from withdrawals from the Incubus influence and drugs Raghib forced on him, and nightmares from the horrible battle to the death.

When a woman arrives, the latest competitor in the alien games, she offers him a chance to visit Raghib. All he has to do is be her slave during the games and help her find the orbs. He agrees and finds she is a higher level competitor than Raghib was, the hunt is on a deadlier planet, one covered in darkness and monsters.

Caden is eventually reunited with Raghib and gets to see the kingdom he won. Raghib is more broken from the battle and haunted by the brutality of it than Caden. He has a new lover and is driving his country to poverty so he can buy drugs to forget the pain. Caden turns to the Game Wardens for help, offering to go back in the arena again, with the woman he helped in the scavenger hunt. He is a fan favorite and knows their ratings will improve if he goes in again.

He arranged to go in as her pretend slave, in a role that will have safety features turned on so he will be in no real danger. He thinks its his idea to go back in. Confident he’s messing with the structures in place and trying to leverage the Game Wardens to change the deadly games into a nonlethal form.

However, it was their plan for him to go back in from the start. Caden is still nothing but a slave to their alien games.





Caden’s long-term girlfriend on Earth is pregnant, and Caden is missing. Jenny worries he has been kidnapped and drugged again. A strange woman arrives, saying she knows Caden and where he is. She offers to take Jenny to him, if she helps her… they just need to find some orbs in a scavenger hunt. Jenny agrees, but is careful to not touch the objects. She doesn’t trust this woman.

They find four orbs and encounter the other competitor. The fifth orb is there, and Jenny is forced to pick it up. The other competitor forfeits and Jenny finds herself now in the games, the woman she’d been helping now announced as her deadly competitor.

She is taken to an alien planet and united with a distraught Caden. He confesses that he has a relationship with a man, an alien man, an Incubus named Raghib, and the woman Jenny must fight is Raghib’s daughter.

Caden is in an impossible situation, either his lover’s daughter dies or his childhood sweetheart dies, but there is a rule in the games, a protection for slaves and their offspring, who are viewed as profitable future slaves. A pregnant woman may not enter the arena, instead the sire must.

Caden is again forced to play in the games, but this time he has no sahalias to battle on his behalf, and safety features are not allowed. If Caden is to survive, he must find a way to not be a slave in their alien games.





From Book One:

He stood there in the headlights of my car, not answering me. I wondered if he was going to shift into a more alien body and go, “You got me!”

“Are you an alien from another planet?” I repeated the question slowly as if that might help prompt an answer from him.

“Yes.” He offered nothing more. We both waited, for what I wasn’t sure. Maybe he was considering if he needed to dose me again.

The standoff ended with him turning to enter the junkyard. He angled his flashlight around, looking for his next orb, while I stood there unable to move or speak.

What the hell was a person supposed to do in this situation? Text their mom and say, “Hey. So, I got pulled into this alien scavenger hunt, and I’m gonna be gone for a while. Let’s hope I don’t get probed.” Include a few laughing-face emojis, maybe an alien-face emoji too.

“Caden!” His deep voice, which now sounded extremely alien to me—as if I could hear extra tones in it that I hadn’t noticed before—pulled me out of my reverie. Well, the third time he shouted my name, it did. The first two, I was too busy thinking about how weird his voice was.

I walked over to where he stood, his flashlight aimed at the orb on the ground.

“You must now decide,” he said. “Will you collect the orbs and be my ally?”

“You promise I’ll be safe?” I asked. “I’m not going to die doing this? I will be completely intact, my arm and everything. And this—these things will all be removed from my body?”

“If we are the victors of the game, you can have whatever you wish. I promise you that.”

“And if we lose?” The fact he’d worded his response the way he did made me wonder if the losers were killed or something.

He kept the flashlight aimed at the orb, and with his other hand, he cupped my chin.

“If you are my ally and do as I say, we will win. I assure you of this,” he said.

I waited, expecting that surge of magical opioids from his hand, but none came. Maybe he was decent enough to want me to make the decision sober. “And you’ll return me back here, to Earth?”

“Yes, with a settlement of the prize. Cash if you like,” he said.

Well... I mean, I needed his help getting this thing off anyway. And he wasn’t being a jerk. He seemed nice enough for an alien. He could clobber me with brute force and make me help him, except maybe the rules kept him from doing that or something. Would the rules keep me safe after we left Earth? Good gravy, what was I saying? I was acting as if this was a normal problem people faced.

“Fine, we’ll be an alliance,” I said.

“Wonderful. Pick up the orb.” His face truly looked pleased, and this time the tingle that went through my body was a burst of chemicals of my body’s own making.



Battle of a Thousand Deaths: Press Conference with Game Competitors

Host: We’d like to welcome Competitors Jenny and Erum to today’s conference. Battle of a Thousand Deaths is in two days and we’d like to take this opportunity to allow the public to ask any questions they have.

Reporter: Jenny, you were tricked into joining the competition and were originally helping Competitor Erum. Are you hoping to get some revenge for her betrayal when you’re in the arena?

Jenny: You know what they say about a woman once she is scorned. There is no fury like it.

Reporter: So we can expect a heated battle?

Jenny: Yes, you can.

Host: While Jenny has the floor, let’s ask an online submission from a fan. Surprise82 would like to know, “Jenny, you were a couple with Caden for several months when he returned to Earth after his first battle in the arena. What can you tell us about that time? Did you have any idea Caden had been abducted by aliens?”

Jenny: Those months were spent nursing Caden in his recovery. The people on Kawkab have no idea how much he suffered. He was addicted to so many drugs because of what he was given while here and the pain killers he needed in his recovery. I hate how everyone keeps romanticizing his experience. He was beaten to near death in that arena. I was saw him suffer in the hospital with wounds you can’t imagine and—

Host: Let’s take this moment to ask Erum a question. Fans would like to know what compelled you to betray Caden when he’d enlisted Jenny to help you in the scavenger hunt. Don’t you think your actions have strained your father’s relationship with Caden?

Erum: I’m doing what I must to survive. Anyone would have done the same if they were in my situation.

Reporter: I think Caden’s fans would disagree. Several have stated they would take a bullet for him. Is it true you’ve been receiving death threats from some of his more upset fans?

Erum: I’m entering an arena to fight to the death. Why would death threats from a few obsessed fans bother me?

Reporter: So, you don’t regret your actions? Has Raghib, your father, expressed how he feels regarding what you’ve done?

Erum: Let’s make something clear. Raghib is my sperm donor, he has never been a father to me. Perhaps if more of you understood that you would see why I care so little about how my actions affect Caden and Raghib. I do not care about what strain this may put on their relationship.

*crowd boos*

Host: It sounds like we are sure to see quite a fight between these two ladies. Be sure to tune in for the final battle in two days!



Nina Schluntz is a native to rural Nebraska. In her youth, she often wrote short stories to entertain her friends. Those ideas evolved into the novels she creates today.

Her husband continues to ensure her stories maintain a touch of realism as she delves into the science fiction and fantasy realm. Their three cats are always willing to stay up late to provide inspiration, whether it is a howl from the stray born in the backyard or an encouraging bite from the so called “calming kitten.”






Queer Romance Ink Author Page:

Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page – Book One:

Goodreads Book Page – Book Two:

Amazon Author Page:



Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:

Kindle Vella US eBook:

(Serialized version of the series, available in USA only)



Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon US Paperback:

Amazon US Hardcover:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:

Amazon CA Paperback:

Amazon CA Hardcover:



Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:



Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:



Nina will be awarding a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.