
Monday, July 31, 2017

Happy Monday!!

Good morning lovelies!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

Did you do anything special?

I actually went kitty shopping this weekend…  But sadly, didn’t adopt any… Yet…. We actually tried to adopt several different cats, but we kept getting beat out.  We’d finally find a cat we liked and thought would be a good fit, and then someone walks in that just finished the paperwork and they have already adopted that cat!  It was sad seeing them not come home with us, but I am soooo happy that they found a furever home and won’t be staying at the shelter…  That’s all I really want for them, is to have a safe and loving home…  Wish it had been with us…  But I guess it wasn’t meant to be…

We are planning on trying again this afternoon at another shelter so fingers crossed that it works out!  We aren’t sure if we’re going to end up with a kitten or a cat…  I kind of want a cat that is older, as those are usually harder to adopt out, and it would be nice having a mature cat that just wants a good home.  Kittens are a lot of work and I’m not sure I have all that time and energy to start from scratch…  But they are just so darn cute!!  And I’ve been reading about having multiple cat households and it recommends that kittens bond better with adult cats already in the house…  They can be trained to be a multi-cat household whereas older cats are more territorial and might not adjust as well to a multi-cat household.

Adrina and Dolce didn’t get along very well…  They definitely had their ups and downs, but it was never vicious…  I think there was only maybe three or four times they swatted at each other, but I quickly broke it up…  They weren’t best of friends, but they got along for the most part and would often play or chase each other.  Their spats were more about attention, like who got to be petted, held, etc.

I think Dolce is actually missing having someone to play with…  However, she is a bit bossy and weighing in at 16 pounds so she can be a little bit of a bully!!  It’s so hard not knowing whether this new kitten or cat will get along with Dolce…  Most of the cats at the shelter are strays so there’s not much info on them whether they like other cats or dogs or kids, etc.  The shelter does offer a return policy, no questions asked, but I would feel awful bringing home a cat and then dropping it back off at the shelter…  These cats are already sad and heartbroken that their previous owners just ditched them, left them behind, threw them out on the street, etc., don’t need to add to that grief. 

And my heart still hurts and misses Adrina…  And I know that I’m not replacing her…  I just feel like maybe it’s time to fill that empty void in my life…  To open up and share my life with another cat…

So I will keep you posted on whether Dolce gets a new sibling!! 😊

Do you have a multi-cat household?  How do you make it work?  Do you think a kitten or older cat would be a better fit with an already cat household? 

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Wheeler by Sara Butler Zalesky - Book Blitz - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Sara Butler Zalesky and her new book, “Wheeler”!

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a signed copy of her featured book AND a $25 Gift Card to Macaron Café’s Website!!  I checked out their website and they have sooooo many delicious treats!!  See below for more details.  Also, come back daily to interact with Sara and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Sara Butler Zalesky
Publication date: July 4th 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Sports, Suspense

Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’
The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.’

Loren Mackenzie has spent much of her life honing her body to meet the physical challenges of being a professional cyclist in the women’s European peloton. She has also refined the control of her mind, using the power of her emotions in competition to become one of the elite cyclists in the world. After an accident at the Philadelphia International Cycling Classic, Loren must rise to the challenge of leading her team as the Women’s World Tour races across Europe, culminating with the opportunity to compete at the World Championships in Richmond, Virgina.

When a chance meeting develops into a whirlwind romance, what appears to be the perfect relationship threatens to unravel Loren’s tightly wound life. The microscope of tabloid media attention dredges up fears that her past will be unearthed; tragic secrets she has kept buried, even from those closest to her.

Can Loren face the trauma of her past and vanquish the demons within, or will betrayal and obsession ultimately defeat her?


Loren rose from her chair and began to gather up the cups and plates they had used as Graham watched her through half-closed eyes. She leaned into the table with a grin.
“Are ya gettin’ sleepy?”
He put his hands on her hips to pull her close. “No, are you?”
She licked her lips. “I have to admit, I was enjoying what we were doing before we were interrupted.” Loren raised a brow at him. Graham’s mouth twitched, and he took out his mobile to shuffle through his music. As the first notes of the song began, he stood and extended his hand to her.
“Dance with me?” He drew Loren to him, his eyes never leaving hers as they moved in rhythm with the music. “Hereafter, in a better world than this,” he murmured, “I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.”
Their breath mixed as his lips hovered over hers. He kissed her gently at first, then with increased fervor as his hands glided over the curves of her body. Her positive response urged him into further exploration. It was several minutes before he realized he had laid her back on the table with one of her legs curled over his hip. Graham reluctantly ended their kiss.
“I’m sorry. I-I got a little carried away there,” he said, his breathing unsteady.
Loren kissed him. “We both got a little carried away.”
He helped her return to her feet but couldn’t bring himself to let go. He brushed the back of his fingers against her cheek and kissed her again. Her touch, her smell, the way she felt in his arms; he’d never been so completely at ease with anyone. He pressed his forehead lightly into hers.
“Who are you?”
She backed out of his embrace and offered him her hand. “Loren Mackenzie, pro cyclist. Nice to meet you.”
Graham laughed and shook her hand. “I am so glad I turned around!”
Her chuckle dissolved as she tucked her lower lip in her teeth. “I’d better get you back to your car before we do something we might regret.”
He took a deep breath and licked his lips. “You’re right.” He squinted at her. “How would you, you said you don’t have a car?”
“I have a motorcycle.”
“Oh, I don’t think so, darling.” He released her from his arms.
“Come on.” Loren motioned for him to follow and headed to a shed hidden behind the willow tree. When she opened the doors, the glossy black BMW F800R sport bike glowed in the overhead florescent light.
He scoffed as he placed his hand on the headlamp. “The two of us won’t fit on that.”
“Not that one. This one.” She took the canvas off the matte black Harley-Davidson Night Rod motorcycle. “Anthony’s Harley is bigger than mine.”
Graham’s mouth dropped open. “Wow. That’s…that’s a Harley?” He frowned. “But still…”
She tossed a helmet at him. “Come on. Help me get it out of the stand.” She grabbed the handlebars, and they both gave the bike a push to roll it out of the shed and Loren set the kickstand. “Anthony keeps it in good shape, but it still needs to be ridden every so often,” she said, putting on her helmet. “He converted his garage into a gym, that’s why it’s here.”
“Ah,” he said, holding open the larger gate next to the shed for her as she pushed the Harley down the gravel path to the street. Graham followed her only to stop short at the sight of her on the machine.
“Come on. I’m a professional,” she chuckled and patted the seat behind her. He was grumbling as he donned the helmet, then mounted the seat behind her. His knees were under her arms with his feet on the pegs, and she giggled as she leaned back against him like an easy chair.
“Yes, yes, it’s hilarious,” he muttered, making her laugh harder.
Loren pushed the ignition and the engine rumbled to life beneath them. After knocking the stand with her heel, she eased out the clutch while rolling the throttle to move off down the street. Graham had been holding her waist loosely at first, but as the Harley took off, the burst of speed had him tighten his arms. He could feel her laughing in his embrace.
Loren came to a brief stop at London Road then took a left turn to rumble down the street. Another left turn and they were soon at the car park where she came to a stop next to his car and set the stand again. She was grinning as she took off her helmet as Graham awkwardly dismounted.
“Fun, huh?”
“I reckon I would have preferred to walk,” he complained as he handed her the helmet where she hooked it to the buckle behind her then swung her leg over the bike. She was smiling as she approached.
“Oh, that’s a pity,” she said, sliding her hands around his waist. “I rather liked having your arms around me.”
“You have but to ask, my Lady.” He gathered her in his arms to nuzzle her neck. “I must admit, I would have been quite put out if I had to wait another week to see you.”
“Me, too.”
“Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night ‘til it be morrow.” His voice was a low rumble as he leaned in to kiss her, but stopped. “Well, not actually tomorrow, as you’ll be off to Colchester.”
“Oh, do shut up and kiss me,” Loren laughed.

“Gladly,” Graham murmured and staked his claim to her lips.


As was pointed out in Literary Titan’s review of Wheeler recently, there’s a lot of Shakespeare in the story. Graham Atherton was inspired by a mix of personages that are all classically trained actors of a particular ‘type.’ When I close my eyes, I can hear his voice disturbingly clear, and that voice speaks fluent Shakespeare. Thing is, it fits his personality.

Can you imagine Aaron Eckhart spouting Shakespeare? Nope. But you sure can Colin Firth. Definitely James McAvoy. And so, it is how my Muse speaks.

As you read Wheeler, your mind might conjure up a tall, svelte, aristocratic Englishman, with dark, purposely tousled hair and painfully blue eyes. But Graham is also nowhere near perfect. He has ugly feet. His eyebrows are lopsided. He can be selfish and insensitive. When wounded, he lets his anger fester until it blows up in everyone’s face. He is the ultimate White Knight. He will avoid his own problems in order to save those around him.

In his world, relationships are intense, and short lived. Film shoots, especially dramas, the actors are steeped in heavy emotions and become close quickly. It’s why a lot of relationships develop between co-stars, but it’s also why these relationships break up in just a few months. Real Life is not exciting and it takes both people to be all in to make a relationship work.

Graham is isolated even though he’s often surrounded by people. While he might not admit it to himself, he’s lonely and when he feels a connection with Loren and sees it reflected back, he’s like a Golden Retriever: he’s all over the place excited. Like his past relationships, his desire to love and be loved sometimes blinds him to the real person with whom he’s infatuated. Without something else to focus on, his world becomes Loren – or his perception of her.

Loren also has an intense personality, as well as being isolated, but for completely different reasons. She is focused on rising to the challenge of leading her team and her relationships with her teammates are close. They have to trust either completely out on the road and each member of the team has to put aside their personal desires to work together to win. If they don’t, the team falls apart.

When Loren meets Graham, she is blinded by her infatuation and gobbles up his attention like her favorite French Macarons. A part of her recognizes the pattern though, and she tries to hold back.

“I don’t know. Maybe this is good for us.”
“I don’t think it’s good,” Graham whined as he sat up more.
“I’m trying to be pragmatic here.” Loren exhaled, then faced him again. “I mean, we both feel like this all came on a little fast, right?”
“Perhaps,” he replied, his frown deepening.
She took his hand. “I’m afraid that if we keep going the way we are, it’s going to burn out. Nobody can keep up that kind of intenseness for long, and the last thing I want to be is a punchline.”
He flinched. “You would not be a punchline.”
“Yes, I would, you know that,” she countered, then turned back to the windows. “I’m not perfect, Graham. I can be moody and slightly condescending, and maybe a little controlling.” She winced. “They call me the Ice Queen for a reason. You just bring out the warm and fuzzy in me.”
His soft smile reflected hers. “I try very hard to be the perfect gentleman, host, actor, friend, but I fail, often. I can be insensitive and selfish and perhaps a wee bit of a wanker.” Graham’s smile dissolved. “I can’t give you a relationship without arguments or hurt feelings. We’re two souls with our own baggage. But what I will promise,” he raised his brow, “is to give you my absolute best in every moment. If you can give me the same promise, then I don’t see how we can go wrong, even when we’re more than five thousand miles from each other.”

See that, not one line of Shakespeare. They both recognize things went a little fast and as their long-distance relationship continues, their love letters reveal more than either could say in person.

As I said before in a previous post on my blog, I have read every word that Shakespeare wrote, more than I ever did back in high school. There are three pages of citations in the back of Wheeler. Damn you, Google for helping my Muse out like that. It could be a wee over the top sometimes but by the end of the novel, I toned it down.

The reason: I ran out of lines.

Sara was born in the wee hours of a November night in New York City. When her family moved to a small borough in northwestern New Jersey, she had little choice but to move as well. Self-sufficiency is a tough thing for a toddler. 
The dichotomy of being the middle child of three, but the only girl, was difficult, as typically no one really pays attention to a middle child. Mostly, Sara spent her time creating fanciful stories in her head when she should have been focused on other things, an issue that continues to this day. 
Most of these stories have never been shared, let alone completed. This all changed in the spring of 2015, when Sara was encouraged by a friend to expand upon a short story she had accidentally emailed to him. The result is 'Wheeler’, a romantic, women's fiction/sport novel, which combines the author's romantic inclinations and her passion for cycling. 
Sara currently resides in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA, with her loving husband and their son. She is a paralegal for a boutique law firm in Chester County, Pa, an avid road cyclist and indoor cycling instructor at a national chain. 
Follow the author’s blog at or on Twitter @sarazalesky. She does a little dance every time someone ‘follows’ her on Twitter. Really. 


**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party.  Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Xpresso Book Tours.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette.  The featured author and Xpresso Book Tours are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


Sins of the Heart by Eve Silver - Book Blitz - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Eve Silver and her new book, “Sins of the Heart”!

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win ebook copies of the COMPLETE Sins Series AND a $25 Starbucks Gift Card!!  See below for more details.  Also, come back daily to interact with Eve and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Sins of the Heart
Eve Silver
(Sins Series #1)
Publication date: March 4th 2017
Genres: Adult, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Library Journal raves the Sins Series is “…dark, seductive, and sexy as sin.” For readers who love paranormal romance and urban fantasy. 
Dagan Krayl, the Underworld’s most powerful soul reaper, is the demigod son of the evil god Sutekh. He’s on a mission to find his murdered brother’s remains and resurrect him, but resurrection means that the secrets carried into death would be released and, with them, a war that could end gods and mankind alike. 
Roxy Tam is searching for the same thing, but for completely different reasons. She means to make certain that the remains don’t fall into Sutekh’s hands, and that the soul reapers do not reanimate their fallen comrade. As a Daughter of Aset, Roxy is tasked with the protection of the human race, and if that means thwarting an all powerful soul reaper and making certain his dead brother stays dead, so be it. But when Roxy sees Dagan face-to-face, she realizes that she has met him once before—a meeting that changed her life forever. 
Neither Dagan nor Roxy expects to join forces for the sake of mankind. Or to have their loyalties tested as they struggle against treachery, betrayal and the potent desire that threatens to consume them both. 
“Darkly delicious, savagely beautiful, fiercely seductive—SINS OF THE HEART sets the new gold standard in paranormal romance. This story will ravish you. Simply put, Eve Silver owns me.”—New York Times bestselling author, Ann Aguirre 
“I love this book. It is wicked and wild, with a romance so hot you’ll feel it in your bones. Read it, love it, and get swept away.”
—New York Times bestselling author, Marjorie M. Liu 
For fans of J R Ward, Kresley Cole and Lara Adrian!
The books in the Sins Series are mature, gritty, dark, sexy and straddle the line between Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance.
Sins of the Heart
Sin’s Daughter (Novella that can be read at any point in the series)
Sins of the Soul
Sins of the Flesh
Body of Sin

National bestselling author Eve Silver has been praised for her "edgy, steamy, action-packed" books, darkly sexy heroes and take-charge heroines. Her work won the OLA Forest of Reading White Pine Award 2015, was shortlisted for the Monica Hughes Award for Science Fiction and Fantasy 2014, was listed as a 2013 American Bookseller's Association Best Book for Children and a Canadian Children's Book Centre Best Books for Kids and Teens. She has garnered starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, and Quill and Quire, two RT Book Reviews Reviewers' Choice Awards, Library Journal's Best Genre Fiction Award, and she was nominated for the Romance Writers of America® RITA® Award. Eve lives with her husband, two sons, an energetic Airedale terrier and an exuberant border collie/shepherd. And a snake called Ragnar. 


**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party.  Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Xpresso Book Tours.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette.  The featured author and Xpresso Book Tours are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


The Sullivans Boxed Set by Bella Andre - Book Blitz - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Bella Andre and her new books, “The Sullivans Boxed Set”!

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a Special Bella Andre Swag!!  See below for more details.  Also, come back daily to interact with Bella and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

The Sullivans Boxed Set
Bella Andre
(The Sullivans #1-3)
Publication date: December 5th 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
More than 6 million readers have already fallen in love with the Sullivans! Now get ready to meet your new favorite family in Bella Andre’s New York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romances with the first three books in the #1 hit series. 
“Not since Nora Roberts has anyone been able to write a big family romance series with every book as good as the last! Bella Andre never disappoints!” Revolving Bookcase Reviews 
Chloe Peterson is having a bad night. A really bad night. The large bruise on her cheek can attest to that. And when her car skids off the side of a wet country road straight into a ditch, she’s convinced even the gorgeous guy who rescues her in the middle of the rain storm must be too good to be true. Or is he? 
As a successful photographer who frequently travels around the world, Chase Sullivan has his pick of beautiful women, and whenever he’s home in San Francisco, one of his seven siblings is usually up for causing a little fun trouble. Chase thinks his life is great just as it is–until the night he finds Chloe and her totaled car on the side of the road in Napa Valley. Not only has he never met anyone so lovely, both inside and out, but he quickly realizes she has much bigger problems than her damaged car. Soon, he is willing to move mountains to love–and protect–her, but will she let him? 
For thirty-six years, Marcus Sullivan has been the responsible older brother, stepping in to take care of his seven siblings after their father died when they were children. But when the perfectly ordered future he’s planned for himself turns out to be nothing but a lie, Marcus needs one reckless night to shake free from it all. 
Nicola Harding is known throughout the world by only one name – Nico – for her catchy, sensual pop songs. Only, what no one knows about the twenty-five year old singer is that her sex-kitten image is totally false. After a terrible betrayal by a man who loved fame far more than he ever loved her, she vows not to let anyone else get close enough to find out who she really is…or hurt her again. Especially not the gorgeous stranger she meets at a nightclub, even though the hunger – and the sinful promises – in his dark eyes make her want to spill all her secrets. 
Gabe Sullivan risks his life every day as a firefighter in San Francisco. But after learning a brutal lesson about professional boundaries, he knows better than to risk his heart to his fire victims ever again. Especially the brave mother and daughter he saved from a deadly apartment fire…and can’t stop thinking about. 
Megan Harris knows she owes the heroic firefighter everything for running into a burning building to save her and her seven-year-old daughter. Everything except her heart. Because after losing her navy pilot husband five years ago, she has vowed to never suffer through loving – and losing – a man with a dangerous job again.



For thirty-six years, Marcus Sullivan has been the responsible older brother, stepping in to take care of his seven siblings after their father died when they were children. But when the perfectly ordered future he’s planned for himself turns out to be nothing but a lie, Marcus needs one reckless night to shake free from it all.

Marcus Sullivan was known for his patience. After helping to raise his seven siblings, he’d learned to wait out tantrums, fistfights, even tears.
But tonight, he was all out of patience.
He’d come to the club tonight to find a woman, to proposition her, to claim her for one no-holds-barred night, but he’d been watching the dancers for long enough to know that he wasn’t going to take a single one of them to bed. None of the women who’d walked in through the thick red curtain in the past thirty minutes had been contenders, either.
Until, suddenly, the curtain parted…and she walked in.
Marcus felt like a fist had slammed straight into his gut.
The woman was young, mid-twenties probably, and so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her. Her black leather dress left nothing to his imagination, fitting her like a second skin with wide cut-outs that ran down the side of her insane curves.
She was the one.
As she stood in the doorway and slowly scanned the crowd, every eye in the room was on her. She was magnetic, had that special something that made it impossible to pull your eyes away from her.
And then her eyes met his, illuminated by a beam of light in the dark room, and although Marcus hadn’t drunk nearly enough at Chase’s engagement party to be unsteady on his feet, one look at those clear blue eyes had him fighting for balance.
What was wrong with him?
He needed to remember, at all times, what tonight was about. Pleasure. Not emotion. Not a relationship. It was okay for certain parts of his body below the waist to react like a match had been lit from nothing more than looking at the woman. Everything else was off-limits. He wasn’t looking for a woman to respect.
And he definitely wasn’t going to fall in love.
The dangerous curves began to shift beneath the thin layer of leather as she moved straight toward him, never once breaking stride, even in impossibly high heels. Marcus couldn’t miss the challenge in her gaze, a look that asked if he was man enough to handle her.
He’d always liked his women tall and slim, not barely coming up to his chest like this one. A voice in his head told him she was way too young for him, young enough that if this were any other night, he’d walk away from her now.
But he wasn’t planning on walking away from whatever this woman offered. Not until first light.
And definitely not until he’d had his fill of those curves.

FROM THIS MOMENT ON excerpt by Bella Andre © 2014

Bella Andre is the New York Times, USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of "The Sullivans", "The Maverick Billionaires", "The Morrisons", and the NYT bestselling "Four Weddings and a Fiasco" sweet romance series written as Lucy Kevin. 
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Having sold more than 6 million books, Bella Andre's novels have been #1 bestsellers around the world and have appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists 32 times. She has been the #1 Ranked Author at Amazon (on a top 10 list that included Nora Roberts, JK Rowling, James Patterson and Steven King), and Publishers Weekly named Oak Press (the publishing company she created to publish her own books) the Fastest-Growing Independent Publisher in the US. After signing a groundbreaking 7-figure print-only deal with Harlequin MIRA, Bella's "The Sullivans" series is being released in paperback in the US, Canada, and Australia. 
Known for "sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance" (Publishers Weekly), her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine "Red Hot Reads" twice and have been translated into ten languages. Winner of the Award of Excellence, The Washington Post called her "One of the top writers in America" and she has been featured by Entertainment Weekly, NPR, USA Today, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and TIME Magazine. A graduate of Stanford University, she has given keynote speeches at publishing conferences from Copenhagen to Berlin to San Francisco, including a standing-room-only keynote at Book Expo America in New York City. 
If not behind her computer, you can find her reading her favorite authors, hiking, swimming or laughing. Married with two children, Bella splits her time between the Northern California wine country and a 100 year old log cabin in the Adirondacks. 


**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party.  Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Xpresso Book Tours.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette.  The featured author and Xpresso Book Tours are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Not his Werewolf by Annie Nicholas - Book Blitz - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Annie Nicholas and her new book, “Not his Werewolf”!

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!!  See below for more details.  Also, come back daily to interact with Annie and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Not his Werewolf
Annie Nicholas
(Not This Series, #2)
Publication date: July 24th 2017
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance
After being disowned and labelled human because she can’t shift, Betty Newman rescues unwanted dogs to fulfill her need for pack. Being rejected by her birth pack was enough pain for a lifetime and she’ll do anything to avoid subjecting herself to their prejudices. 
Things change when Ken Birch wakes in her kennel still in wolf form and declares she’s his soul mate. His presence wakes her feral heart and makes her long for a life she can’t have. Old wounds are opened and she refuses to listen to instinct. 
But only a shifter can be a soul mate and now her life is in danger by New Port’s pack. Either Betty learns to shift or she dies. Problem is the only one willing to help is Ken, the last person she wants.

Annie Nicholas writes paranormal romance with a twist. She has courted vampires, hunted with shifters, and slain a dragon's ego all with the might of her pen. Riding the wind of her imagination, she travels beyond the restraints of reality and shares them with anyone wanting to read her stories. Mother, daughter, and wife are some of the other hats she wears while hiking through the hills and dales of her adopted state of Vermont.

Annie writes for Samhain Publishing, Carina Press, and Lyrical Press. 


**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party.  Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Xpresso Book Tours.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette.  The featured author and Xpresso Book Tours are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


Hunted Fate by Jennifer Derrick - Book Blitz - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Jennifer Derrick and her new book, “Hunted Fate”!

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a Clean Teen Publishing Mystery Box!!  See below for more details.  Also, come back daily to interact with Jennifer and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Hunted Fate
Jennifer Derrick
(Threads of the Moirae, #3)
Published by: Clean Teen Publishing
Publication date: July 24th 2017
Genres: Mythology, Romance, Young Adult
Alex and Atropos have taken refuge at an abandoned mountain resort compound. Atropos is a wanted woman in hiding, and the downtime with her soul mate is a nice change of pace. But the peace will be short-lived. The authorities are after her for her role in the attack on the city of Charlotte. Zeus has put a bounty on her head. There’s also a war to prepare for—and if she wins, the gods will be deposed once and for all. But first she needs to track down Gaia, and even that won’t be simple. Gaia resides at the bottom of the ocean, and the humans and gods are already hot on Atropos’ trail… 
A heart-pounding romantic adventure where Greek mythology and modern-day life collide, Hunted Fate is the third book in the epic Threads of the Moirae series by Jennifer Derrick.

Previous books in the series:

Grab Book 1 – Broken Fate – for FREE!


“We need whoever provides security around here. Or Hades. They’re bound to be the ones who can open this. If we can find them, we can drag them down here and slap their hand on this thing to get it open,” Alex says.
“We need another way,” Sara says, shaking her head. “We haven’t seen a single person since we got here. It’s too time consuming to track them down. And we’ll never get Hades.”
“Anyone know of any other ways to crack a palm plate?” I ask.
“Short of finding a valid fingerprint and going through an awful lot of steps to create a fake finger, the only other way is to break down the software controlling it,” Alex says.
“Are any of you hackers?”
Alex raises his hand.
“You can hack this?” I ask. “I didn’t know you were a hacker.”
“I’m not. But there isn’t a lot to do when you’re stuck at home with a terminal disease or trapped in a crappy boarding school. I taught myself a few things, made a few online friends who were a little shady. Depending on how sophisticated the software is, I might be able to crack it.”
“Would it be controlled from the computer out front?”
“It might be. Or it might be controlled from a central server that’s who knows where. No way to know without looking,” he says.
“That computer is password protected. If you try to force it, you may set off alarms.”
“Then I’ll have to be careful,” he says, heading back to the lobby.
We follow and gather around the desk while he works. The keys clack under his fingers as he mutters instructions to himself.
“Okay, I’m in the system,” he says. “While I’m here, I’m going to shut down those security cameras. No need for everyone to know where we are.”
The TV feed blinks and is gone.
He keeps typing and clicking and muttering. The rest of us sit down on the floor and wait. There’s nothing we can do.
“Huh. That could be tricky,” he says.
“What?” I ask, getting up and going around the desk so I can see his screen. Not that the gibberish there means squat to me.
“The system that controls the fingerprint scanners also controls the card locks. Worse, it’s not separated by floor. I’m not good enough to bring down only one piece of the system. It’s all or nothing.”
“What’s the problem?” I ask.
“It means that the only thing standing between us and whatever is behind those cell doors is the hope that none of them try the doors. If the inmates figure out the doors are open, then security will be the least of our problems. All of them could walk right out of here.”
“Do it,” I tell him. “It’s not like we’ll be broadcasting the locks are down. No one will notice. Hopefully.”
“Okay,” he says and goes back to pounding on the keys.
After a few minutes, the computer beeps and Alex pushes away from it.
“Done,” he says.
The words are barely out of his mouth when a series of small pops echoes around the room. They sound like they’re both surrounding us and simultaneously heading away from us.
“Aw, shit,” I say. “The locks. We forgot they make noise! We are idiots. Come on,” I say, racing for the doors on the right.
We slam through the doors and pull up in front of door number four. No one is coming into the hall yet. I’m hoping the inmates think it’s a trap and are too intimidated to try their doors. Either that or they didn’t hear the locks release. Please, just let me get out of here before hell literally opens, I think.

Jennifer is a freelance writer and novelist. As a freelancer, she writes everything from technical manuals to articles on personal finance and European-style board games. Her interest in storytelling began when she was six and her parents gave her a typewriter for Christmas and agreed to pay her $.01 per page for any stories she churned out. Such a loose payment system naturally led to a lot of story padding. Broken Fate, her first novel, earned her $2.80 from her parents.

Jennifer lives in North Carolina and, when not writing, can often be found reading, trawling the shelves at the library, playing board games, watching sports, camping, running marathons, and playing with her dog. You can visit her at her official website:


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This contest is sponsored by a third party.  Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Xpresso Book Tours.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette.  The featured author and Xpresso Book Tours are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Elemental Lies by Elle Middaugh - Book Blitz - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Elle Middaugh and her new book, “Elemental Lies”!

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win exciting prizes like a signed copy of her featured book or ONE of THREE ebook copies of her featured book!!  See below for more details.  Also, come back daily to interact with Elle and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Elemental Lies
Elle Middaugh
(The Essential Elements, #2)
Publication date: July 24th 2017
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Valerie Moore is an Elemental, a person who commands one of the classical elements of wind, water, fire, or earth. She’s special, though. She controls two—fire and water—though sometimes it seems like they control her.
After the accidental exposure of Elementals to humanity, Valerie finds herself—and all of her kind—struggling to attain equality. Three different groups fight to secure leadership, and with all of their hidden agendas, she doesn’t know which side to choose. The balance between peaceful cohabitation and all-out war is precarious, at best.
When a chance meeting brings Val and earth Elemental Cade Landston back together, everything changes. She realizes what she knew in the beginning—that he’s the one she wants. Her desire to win him over draws her closer to him, and his vengeful mission to hunt down her murderous grandfather brings them both closer to trouble.
From mysterious doppelgangers to reckless rescue missions, scapegoat bombings, and evolving Elemental powers, Valerie strains to keep up.
All she knows is she must stop her grandfather at all costs. To do so, she has to figure out the truth, but how can she do so when almost everyone she knows has been telling lies?



“What are you thinking?” Dad asked, knocking me back to the present.
My head shook subconsciously. “Nothing, really. Just trying to figure out all this change, trying to make sense of it, somehow.”
“It’s not easy,” he agreed. “And it’s only gonna get harder.”
I stared at him with wide doe eyes, silently pleading for some sort of direction.
“What should I do?” I asked. “Should I live my life as best I can and try to ignore the evil going on all around me? Or should I make it my life’s work to try to change that evil into good? Is it even worth it to try?”
Dad blew out a deep breath and pushed the rest of his stromboli aside. His fingers laced atop the table.
“I can’t tell you what to do, sweetheart, but I’ll tell you what I think. Should you live your life to the fullest? Absolutely, no contest. Should you ignore the evil around you? No, I wouldn’t ignore it. Given what you are, there’s a good chance it’ll come looking for you regardless.”
He licked his lips and paused before continuing. I stayed silent.
“Striving to make the world a better place…it’s a noble endeavor, but a very difficult one. Is it worth it to try? I think if your heart’s in it, if it’s something you feel strongly about and it’s something honorable and good, then it’s always worth it to try. I can’t guarantee you’ll succeed, and many times it might feel like all you’re doing is trudging uphill through two feet of shit and a thunderstorm. It might even be like that for the rest of your life, but if you care, truly and passionately, then no matter what happens in the end, you’ll be glad you did it.”
The sound of a pin dropping would have seemed as loud as shattering glass. There were no words in my head or my mouth, just a vast emptiness as I tried to absorb and process what he’d just said.
Unfortunately, there was no time.

Elle Middaugh lives in the Allegheny Mountains outside of Clearfield, Pennsylvania, with her wonderful husband and three beautiful children. Most of her time is spent raising kids, writing stories, playing video games, reading, and attempting to keep a clean house.
She’s a proud Navy wife, a frazzle-brained mother, a fan of health and fitness, a lover of hot tea and iced tea, and a believer in happily ever afters. 


**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party.  Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Xpresso Book Tours.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette.  The featured author and Xpresso Book Tours are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


A Cunning Heist by Astrid Arditi - Book Tour - Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Astrid Arditi and her new book, “A Cunning Heist”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Astrid and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

A Cunning Heist
by Astrid Arditi


GENRE: Romantic Suspense



Sloane Harper has sworn off men—for her sanity, and her safety. But with or without men, trouble always seems to find Sloane.

When her ex’s ex-mistress comes knocking for help, Sloane does what she does best : she helps way more than she should. As she investigates London’s art scene, Sloane runs into a very handsome but very shady artist, a quirky bunch of thieves, and a cunning old flame.
Perhaps Sloane should have sworn off playing private detective instead of men.



A whooshing sound woke me up with a jolt—like a hairdryer but much louder. I pulled my head up and found myself staring at a greyish toilet lid. Yuck!!

I slammed my hands against it to push myself upright and glanced at my surroundings. No sign of the embroidered towel or cherry soap I kept in my guest bathroom. This was not my home. This wasn’t even a home I realized as I spied feet under the door.

This was Aqua’s bathroom stalls, I whimpered, thinking of all the STDs contained by my toilet-lid pillow.

I glanced at my watch and wept a little bit. 7.30 AM. I had spent the night here.

My head spun so wildly I had to sit again on the suspicious toilets to avoid fainting. Sanitary scruples were a moot point at this stage.

I tried to piece out my night but drew a blank. A big, black hole stood where memories should have been. One minute I was drinking Kamikaze shots and the next, well, I was here, drooling on a toilet seat. And to think I’d believed my life couldn’t get any worse!

Flight instincts kicked in. I spied my handbag on the floor and snatched it—phone, keys, wallet, I inventoried swiftly. I was good to go. I swung the bag on my shoulder only to realize I was missing one or rather two crucial pieces of equipment.

No dress and no bra. I was down to my panties, tights and heels. What the—



This book is a fun, fast paced, intriguing read filled with mystery, suspense, love, and lots of humor!

Sloane is full of humor and drama – and I loved every second of it!  Sloane is sweet, but very stubborn, clumsy, and tends to get herself tangled up in some pretty crazy situations!

Sloane recently vows to work on herself and stop being a doormat.  But, when her ex-husbands ex-mistress, Kate, comes to her for help, she can’t help, but agree to.  It isn’t long before these frenemies are down the rabbit hole and head deep in the art world.  With sketchy characters and danger lurking at every corner this bored homemaker may have got herself into too much trouble this time.

Sloane is also on a bit of a guy dry spell after her Ethan (originally from book one) pulls a disappearing act and she doesn’t hear from him for six months!  Just when she’s starting to get back out there guess who walks back in – Ethan!  I had some mixed emotions about this relationship and wasn’t really sure I was going to be on Team Ethan or Team Felix lol!  Ethan came off a bit of a flake and jerk, he did have his reasons, but no spoilers here.  However, they seemed to have a lot of history from book one and I think there is still more to them to be later determined.

Not only does this book have well-developed characters; they are relatable and ones that you’d actually want to be friends with!

The storyline flows and is well written with very detailed scenes and a heavy handed drop of humor.

This book is fast paced and keeps you engaged and entertained through the last page!

Although this book is book two in the Sloane Harper Book Series, it can easily be read on its own.  There are lots of overlapping characters and connections from book one, but I didn’t feel lost or confused as I hadn’t read book one beforehand.

This book ends with the set up for book three, so beware if you start this book you’ll definitely want to see what happens next in book three!

I really enjoyed reading this book and totally had a smile on most of the time I was reading it!  Furthermore, this book will definitely have you laughing-out-loud so probably a good idea not to read it at a library or class or work lol!

I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone interested in a fun, entertaining, silly, enjoyable read that is filled with lots of drama, humor, love, and mystery!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**

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If so, please, please, please mark it as helpful on Amazon here:



If Astrid Arditi could have one magical power, it would be to create time—to write, to enjoy her children, to unpack (she’s moved five times in four years), to sleep in, to learn how to cook, and to hit the gym. Or at least, to locate the one nearest her.

While waiting for her magic powers to manifest, she reads, eats way too many cakes, daydream, and thanks her lucky stars for her whirlwind, wonderful life.

Born and raised in Paris, Arditi recently moved to Brooklyn where she lives with her husband and two young children. A Cunning Heist is the second novel in the Sloane Harper series.






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Astrid will be awarding $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.