
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Garcinia Cambogia Supreme Supplement from Life & Food Review

I have always wanted to get in on this Garcinia Cambogia Extract phenomenon so I was thrilled when I was asked to try and review the Garcinia Cambogia Supreme Supplement from Life & Food.

The suggested use for this product is to take two capsules once a day.  However, it is suggested for maximum strength to take two capsules twice daily.  For best results, it is suggested to take the capsules twenty to thirty minutes before a meal with eight ounces of water.

I started out by taking two capsules once a day.  Since it is suggested that the capsules be taken twenty to thirty minutes before a meal and with eight ounces of water I did so right after I woke up in the morning.  I got out of bed, took the capsules with a bottle of water, got in the shower, and then ate breakfast.  It worked out perfect for timing and it didn't cause any delay to my regular morning routine.

It only took two days before I started noticing a difference in my body, as I felt less hungry.  I still wanted to eat and did, but I noticed that there was less of an “I need” to eat feeling.  By day five I was even less hungry.  I was able to go without additional snacking.  I even decreased my meal portions since I was getting full faster.  Along with the suppressed appetite, I also noticed I was more thirsty than usual and significantly increased my water intake.  I felt warmer/hot which I assumed was from the calories burning.  I didn't consider this a negative side effect, I just wore less layers.  I also experienced increased energy and felt more driven.

After a full week of taking this supplement I had lost two pounds.  Since the first week went so well I decided to increase the dose to two capsules twice daily as suggested for maximum strength.  Since my energy increased I decided it would probably be best not to take at dinner time so I took the capsules before breakfast and lunch.

At the end of the second week I lost an additional five and a half pounds.  I found myself with increased energy and I was in a more positive, upbeat mood.

So after only two weeks I have lost a total of seven and a half pounds!  I am experiencing excellent results with Life & Food’s Garcinia Cambogia Supreme capsules.

I will be continuing to use this product as I know it is not only helping me lose weight, but it is increasing my energy, creating a positive, upbeat mood, and motivating me to maximize my day.  

I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who is looking to lose weight, decrease body fat, increase energy, suppress appetite, improve mood, and overall boost the quality of your life.

Be sure to place your order and check out their website here:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using  Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

RezVera - All Natural Digestive Support Review

I love to eat spicy Mexican foods, but sometimes my body doesn't always agree that was such a good idea.  So I was very excited to be asked to try and review RezVera.

Check out their website here:

I went to my favorite Mexican restaurant and chowed down on some spicy nachos.  After I finished eating my meal I took one RezVera capsule with water.  I noticed about twenty minutes later that my tummy was still calm and I wasn't experiencing any discomfort like I usually experience after eating spicy foods.

I was truly impressed how quickly RezVera worked.  Since RezVera not only helps digest food, it also supports normal bowel movements and improves colon health; I started incorporating it into my routine.  I noticed that my overall digestive system has been more regular and I have been able to enjoy my favorite foods without worry of pain or discomfort.  In addition to the already awesome benefits of RezVera, this product also helps eliminate IBS, gas, stomach bloating, and constipation naturally.

I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who suffers from digestive problems and wants relief.  I would also recommend this product to anyone who is looking to improve their colon health and wants to get on a more regular and natural bowel movement schedule.

Thanks to RezVera I can now eat what I want, when I want!

Be sure to place your order and check out their website here:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using  Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Monday, October 20, 2014

"Low Back Pain Program" by Sherwin A. Nicholson Ebook Review

As a chronic pain patient I am always looking for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for pain relief.  So I was very excited to be asked to try and review the "Low Back Pain Program" by Sherwin A. Nicholson.

Check out their website here:

This book contains five exercise categories, forty-five exercises, and over 170 detailed illustrations.  Each category also has illustrations that detail what section of the body you are working on.  Each exercise is illustrated and detailed steps are listed to help you perform the exercise properly.

The author strongly recommends that you read the entire book and perform the exercises in order without skipping any of them.

This book contains five exercise categories that each cover and target different stages and levels your body will perform.  Category one, also referred to as the Limited Mobility Exercises, is the perfect beginning level that can help everyone from a novice to an expert get started into an exercise routine.  Category one focuses on increasing motion and flexibility while also relieving tension on muscles and joints.  There are thirteen exercises in category one and they should continue to be performed until the level is mastered and exercises can be completed with ease.  I spent five days practicing category one.  As a regular yoga and pilates practitioner I was already familiar with some of the exercises and was able to perform this section with ease so I moved onto stage two.

Category two, also referred to as Progressive Exercises, focuses on strengthening, adding stability, and reinstating flexibility.  Category two consists of nineteen exercises that are a bit more difficult than the previous category.  I spent ten days on this level before mastering it and being able to move on to category three.

Category three, also referred to as Challenging Exercises, focuses more on reducing fatigue and improving stamina.  This level is even tougher than the previous two and contains thirteen exercises.  I spent twelve days on this section.  I had some difficulty on this level and found myself struggling to get through all the exercises with ease.  I liked the challenges this section put on my body and it motivated me to push harder. 

Category four, also referred to as Maintenance Exercises, focuses on maintaining and conditioning your muscles.  There are eleven exercises in this section and all of them are from the previous categories that have been combined in this section to integrate them into your maintenance routine.  The author strongly recommends these exercises to be performed on a weekly basis.

Category five, also referred to as Supportive Exercises, offers beneficial exercises to be added to your daily regimen for additional support.  This section is more of a recommendation to add standard, widely popular and practiced exercise moves and stretches to your already created exercise plan.

At the very end of the book there are exercise worksheets that help you track which category you are on and how you rate the level of each exercise.  I thought this was a great idea and so useful, because days sometimes blur and I tend to forget how I thought each exercise felt the day before or the week before, etc.  This worksheet helped me keep on task and track when it was time to move up to the next category.

I loved how these exercises could be performed anytime and anywhere.  I was able to complete these exercises while I was watching TV shows and movies.  There were even some mornings that I was able to start my exercise routine in my bed.  However, for the majority of the program I performed these exercises on a yoga mat in my living room.

I really liked that all the exercises had thorough information and detailed illustrations to help identify and complete the exercises correctly.  Several of the illustrations even had arrows and axis lines to help guide you to perform the exercise accurately.

I also liked that most of the exercises offered a tip at the bottom that explained information on how to do the exercise even better or explained how the exercise is working and how it is helping relieve pain.

I have definitely noticed a positive difference after partaking in this program.  I feel stronger and have more motion and flexibility than I had before completing this program.  I feel I have less fatigue, less tension, and somewhat less pain.  As a chronic pain patient I know that the pain will never completely go away, but participating in pain management programs like this one, has provided significant and beneficial results to reducing the pain and improving my range of motion.  I would definitely recommend this program if you are a chronic pain patient or have acute low back pain or someone who is a beginner to exercise as this program offers so much detailed information and guidance.

Be sure to place your order and check out their website here:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using  Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.